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Deferred member retirement
- Preenchimento e envio online
disponível na CGA Directa
Deferred member time of service counting claim
- Preenchimento e envio online
disponível na CGA Directa
Certificate regarding periods of contributions to obligatory registrations scheme of social protection in old age and disability
- Printing for manual filling
(PDF: 104,93 KB / 1 page / v1.2 2018-09-25)
Demand of contributions payment during leave
- Preenchimento e envio online
disponível na CGA Directa - Printing for manual filling
(PDF: 24,34 KB / 1 page / v1.8 2019-12-09) - Instructions for manual filling
(PDF: 371,44 KB / 4 pages / v1.8 2020-01-09)
Demand for Medical Committee examination
- Filling in and online remittance
(PDF: 296,00 KB / 2 pages / v2.6 2020-02-26) - Printing for manual filling
(PDF: 30,21 KB / 2 pages / v2.6 2020-02-26) - Instructions
(PDF: 379,62 KB / 5 pages / v2.7 2020-02-17)
Claim for compensation for disability caused by occupational accident or disease
- Printing for manual filling
(PDF: 339,09 KB / 3 pages / v1.1 2022-09-05) - Instructions for manual filling
(PDF: 754,71 KB / 7 pages / v1.1 2022-09-05)
Survivor pension, funeral expenses reimbursement and death benefits claim
- Filling in and online remittance
(PDF: 644,00 KB / 3 pages / v2.0 2020-01-24) - Printing for manual filling
(PDF: 40,15 KB / 3 pages / v2.0 2020-01-24) - Instructions
(PDF: 476,06 KB / 12 pages / v2.5 2020-01-29)
Biographical elements - Survival pension
- Preenchimento e envio online
disponível na CGA Directa
Personal data update
- Filling in and online remittance
(PDF: 78,04 KB / 2 pages / v2.0 2020-01-24) - Printing for manual filling
(PDF: 29,81 KB / 2 pages / v2.0 2020-01-24) - Instructions
(PDF: 400,19 KB / 5 pages / v1.9 2020-01-09)
Childhood and youth family allowance
- Preenchimento e envio online
disponível na CGA Directa
Funeral allowance
- Filling in and online remittance
(PDF: 380,00 KB / 3 pages / v1.8 2019-12-09) - Printing for manual filling
(PDF: 34,08 KB / 3 pages / v1.8 2019-12-09) - Instructions
(PDF: 400,26 KB / 6 pages / v1.9 2020-01-09)
Third person assistance allowance
- Filling in and online remittance
(PDF: 352,00 KB / 2 pages / v1.9 2019-12-09) - Printing for manual filling
(PDF: 30,95 KB / 2 pages / v1.9 2019-12-09) - Instructions
(PDF: 393,30 KB / 5 pages / v2.0 2020-01-09)